July 31, 2015

Kate's been Nailing It for a year!

Can you believe it?  I hardly can!  I've been blogging for almost a year!  My first post was published on August 9, 2014.  Although according to Timehop, I started working on my first post as early as July 30.  It took me a while to get completely set up: I had to choose the font for my watermarks; create a separate Gmail account; create the cover photo for YouTube, Google+, and Facebook; figure out how to use my version of Photoshop (it used to be in French, but I've since gotten it in English); and the hardest yet most important part - I had to choose the name!  I ended up reaching out on my personal Facebook page for help, and ended up getting the name of the blog from my Mom and the tagline ("French Tips and American Advice") from a friend of mine.  So, Mom and Travis, thank you for your brains!

Anyway, like many bloggers, I wanted to host a giveaway to celebrate this most awesome occasion.  While I don't have quite as many prizes as I'd like, due to a limited budget, I do have quite a few goodies to give away, and more than one prize for the first time in this blog's history!

The giveaway will open this coming Tuesday, August 4 at midnight EDT and close on Friday, August 14 at midnight EDT.

Here's a look at all of the different prizes...

Prize #1

$8 gift card to Twisted Colors


Prize #2

Zoya color cube #1: Cool in the Pool 
contents: Isa and Oceane, both from the Paradise Sun collection

Prize #3

Zoya color cube #2: Very Berry
contents: Serenity and Nana, both from the Island Fun collection

Prize #4

Zoya color cube #3: Strawberry Lemonade
contents: Daisy from the Delights collection and Happi from the Reverie collection

Grand Prize

Jamberry Mother's Day gift set
Contents: 1 bag of peppermint taffy, 1 pumice stone/nail brush, 
1 set of two foam toe separators, 3 different Jamberry nail wraps, 
1 bottle of Jamberry nail lacquer, 1 nail file, 1 orangewood stick

I purchased prizes 1-4 myself, and won the Jamberry set during their Mother's Day giveaway on Instagram.

Giveaway rules:
1. No following and then unfollowing immediately after the giveaway ends.  Unfollowers will be noted and banned from future giveaways.
2. Any posts for giveaway entries must be made public.  Private posts/accounts will not be able to be verified.
3. Giveaway opens on Tuesday, August 4 at 12:00 am EDT and ends Friday, August 14 at 12:00 am EDT.  Winners will be contacted by 11:00 pm on August 14.  Once contacted, winners have 36 hours to respond and claim their prizes or I will be forced to draw another winner.
4. Prizes #1 is open to residents of the US and Canada.  Prizes #2-4 and the Grand Prize are open to residents of the US only. (This information was originally published inaccurately; the mistakes have been altered.)
5. Please be kind!  Anyone stirring up drama or being rude (to me or to other contestants) will be disqualified. 
6. This giveaway is entirely sponsored by me, Kate of Kate's Nailing It.  It has not been sponsored or endorsed by Zoya, Jamberry, Twisted Colors, or any of the websites on which it is hosted/advertised.

Enter via the Rafflecopter widget below!  A link to the widget can also be found in my Instagram profile and on my Facebook page.  Have fun and good luck!  I hope you all know how badly I wish I could give each and every one of you a prize. :)


  1. Happy Blogiversary, Kate! Congratulations! You started out great, and you have gotten even better throughout the year -- your nails, your manis, and your photos are gorgeous! :-)

  2. Congrats!! I read your blog for the swatches of brands I enjoy too! You are doing a great job!! :) Thank you so much for the giveaway too.

    Katie B.

  3. Hello Kate,

    It seems you want a lot of feedback, unfortunately I cannot offer it as I just found yuor blog.

  4. I would like to see more design tutorials a plain polish is something anyone can do.

  5. I love to see your photos, and your different polish reviews and nail art stuff! I'd love to see more tutorials on nail art, just on the off-chance I ever decided to give it a go!
